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Requirements expected before applying

​The requirements below, you will see again on the application. We want to elaborate here so you have an opportunity to see ahead and make your evaluation prior to committing to the application and submitting.  

Only U.S. Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents (green card) may apply.

A. Computer:

1. We require that you be computer literate.

2. We require that you be comfortable using the Internet. 

3. We require that you have your own email account. *

4. We require that you be able to enter simple data in an existing spreadsheet.


* We no longer allow a patroller to share an email account with a partner or spouse. Email is easy to obtain for free from Google, MSN, Yahoo or others.


B. Qualifications:

You will be asked what qualifications, skills, experience or education do you have to assist us and/or your patrol


C. Volunteering: 

You will be asked to state any organization(s) you belong(ed) to, up to 5 and state what your role is/was. (None does not disqualify you)


D. Limitations: 

You will be informed and asked: This organization involves hiking, walking and standing, none of which need to be extreme. It is up to the patroller how much they wish to do, but these activities are part of the role. Short term limitations are understandable and expected at times. Do you have any limitations?


E. Months you are available: 

You will be informed: we require training and patrolling in the first year for winter residents to be 6 months consecutive starting in November. After the first year, we allow any series of 5 months consecutive.


And you will need to agree to the following before the Submit button can be selected.

  • Volunteers are not considered to be Federal employees for any purpose other than tort claims and injury compensation. Volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other benefit. However, volunteer service is creditable work experience.


  • Privacy Act Statement

    The information on this form is provided to comply with the Privacy Act (PL 93-579). 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 CFR 260 authorizes acceptance of the information requested on this form. The data will be used to contact applicants and to interview, screen, and select them for volunteer assignments. Furnishing this data is voluntary.


  • By clicking the Submit button on the application, I agree to the following patrol requirements:

    I will attend the new patrol training sessions.
    I will comply with required hours expressed in the most current SCVP Patrol Manual.
    I will wear the Forest Service volunteer uniform (as prescribed in the patrol manual) while on patrol.
    I will carry a personal cell phone while on patrol.
    I will be knowledgeable about the trails, distances, and approximate times to complete hikes in Sabino Canyon/Santa Catalinas
    I will have a basic knowledge (not comprehensive) of the flora, fauna, and history of Sabino Canyon/Mount Lemmon. 
    I will log my hours online per the required instructions provided.


*We no longer allow couples to share one cell phone, alone or apart. Each patroller must have their own cell phone with a separate phone number.

Near the End of your training period, you will be asked to electronically sign an acknowledgement of the Forest Service Risk Assessment and your understanding of your Duties and Responsibilities. These are required by the U.S. Forest Service. Within this, you will be asked to provide an Emergency Contact, name and number. If Patrollers are a couple living together, you both need an independent third party (may be the same). You may not name another Patroller.

If all the above will work for you, then please

Apply here now.

We apologize for the delay. Due to the increased popularity for joining this organization, we are at capacity for applications at this time. In addition, we are following the current CDC guidelines with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic. We will wait for guidance from the CDC and the U.S. Forest Service on when we can resume operations. Please check back again after this period is over and we consider accepting applications once again. This page will announce any change. Thank You for your understanding and stay safe and well.

© 2017 Santa Catalina Volunteer Patrol created with

Copyright © 2017, Santa Catalina Volunteer Patrol. All rights reserved, Santa Catalina Volunteer Patrol, 5700 N Sabino Canyon Rd., Tucson AZ 85750

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