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Sabino Canyon
Mt. Lemmon
Santa Catalinas
Join Us
Contact Us
Santa Catalina Volunteer Patrol​
* required information
By checking this box, I will comply with all the requirements on the previous page. *
Name you go by
Email and cell number must be yours alone.
Cell Phone * with area code - dash separated: ###-###-####
Emergency Contact Info (can not be someone with whom you will patrol)
What skills, experience, qualifications, or education do you have that would make you an effective volunteer patroller? (500 characters maximum, approx. 5 lines below)
Previous volunteer experience, if any (please be brief)
By checking the box below, I agree to the following statements:
1. I have truthfully answered the questions above.
2. I understand that volunteers are not considered to be Federal employees for any purpose other than tort claims and injury compensation. Volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other Federal benefit.
I agree to the statements above. *
Success! Application received.
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